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Taken 29-Jul-23
Visitors 31

13 of 19 photos
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Dimensions5786 x 3834
Original file size10.7 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
NGC 4395 and Area

NGC 4395 and Area

NGC 4395 is seen on the left, a spiral galaxy located in Canes Venatici approximately 14 million light years away. On the right is NGC 4414, a flocculent spiral galaxy in Coma Berenices approximately 62 million light years away. 4144 appeared much larger in my planetarium software which is why I had framed this shot the way I did but I think it's kind of neat to see the sizes relative to their distances in the shot. also seen on the right are NGC 4359, an edge on dwarf barred spiral 56 million light years away, and IC 3330, a spiral galaxy 310 million light years away!

Gear and acquisition details:

William Optic Z61 Apo
WO field flattener
Nikon D5300 @ ISO 1600
Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro
ZWO mini guide scope
ZWO ASI120MM-S guide camera
22 x 300 second exposures
Processed in Pixinsight