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Taken 12-Dec-17
Visitors 88

8 of 34 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:342, Camelopardis, Galaxy, IC, in
Photo Info

Dimensions1555 x 1173
Original file size447 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified12-Dec-17 16:52
Colour IC 342 The Hidden Galaxy in Camelopardis

Colour IC 342 The Hidden Galaxy in Camelopardis

This is the colour version of the previous itelescope gathered in November. Processing was done via Nebulosity 4. I'm not totally happy with the colour but I'm a newby and this is just a 1 hour One Shot Colour CCD exposure. The detail in all of the star forming areas is certainly there!