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Taken 8-Feb-22
Visitors 16

5 of 12 photos
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Dimensions2400 x 1755
Original file size2.92 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
IC 5146 The Cocoon Nebula

IC 5146 The Cocoon Nebula

IC 5146 - The Cocoon Nebula in Cygnus Visual Magnitude: +7.19; Apparent Size: 12.0 x 12.0 arcminutes Scope: Celestron CPC 1100 11” Schmidt-Cassagrain with a 0.67x Focal Reducer attachment and mounted on a wedge Camera: ZWO ASI294MC Pro with Optolong L’eNhance filter Guiding: Orion 50 mm guide scope and StarShoot Autoguider camera using PHD2 software Date: October 07, 2021 Frames: 47 x 120 second images at Medium (120 dB) gain Stacked and Processed in PixInsight using flats and darks Personal Appeal: love the dark lines within the beautiful red nebulosity