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Dimensions640 x 480
Original file size6.44 MB
Image typeUnknown

Richilde occultation

This is a 19 second movie of an occultation event involving the asteroid Richilde which was recorded on Oct. 2/20. Peter Ceravolo recognized that the shadow path of the asteroid passed between his and Debra's observatory on Anarchist Mt. and mine in Summerland, and he proposed a 'tag team' attempt. Turned out that the asteroid tracked a bit north of the prediction line and produced a 3 sec. blink in Summerland. The target star is the one just to the upper right of the brightest star in the lower part of the frame. The light effects are from the just past full Moon. Should have used the 18" Newtonian's light shield. Light cirrus clouds can be seen floating through the field.